The Creative Promise of Spring

Spring has officially sprung, with its promise of renewal, hope, and fresh possibilities. The air is crisp, the wind is fresh, the trees are starting to sprout, and the first daffodils are already subsiding, as the new creative year is in full swing. Material trends

La Promesse Creative de Printemps

Le printemps est officiellement arrivé avec ses promesses de renouveau, d’espoir et de possibilités nouvelles. L'air est frais, le vent est doux, les arbres commencent à bourgeonner et les premières jonquilles sont déjà en train de s'affaisser, alors que la nouvelle année de création bat

Story of the Month
Le Monde des Matériaux de Demain

« Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme » Antoine Lavoisier American Supply a sans cesse mis en avant des solutions matière innovantes et poursuit sa quête perpétuelle de matériaux révolutionnaires ou simplement dans l’air du temps. À l’écoute des dernières tendances et des

Experiments on 3D-surface

This month we experiment with a new 3D support in our material library - Bamboo Pulp. The base support is created using bamboo fibers, that are pressed between two molded metal forms, in an iron. The result is a lightweight and easily reproduced 3D panel,

Home is Where the Art is!

Maison & Objet, the self-confessed international authority for home decor, interior design, architecture, and lifestyle culture and trends breezed through Paris again for it’s January edition. With over 3000 exhibitors, it was a fascinating whirlwind of creativity and inspiration! We focus above on three main