Story of the Month
Visions Printanières

Il est enfin temps de mettre au placard pulls, bonnets et doudounes alors que nous embrassons des journées bien plus lumineuses. Les terrasses de cafés parisiens se repeuplent. La température est plus élevée, l’air est plus doux, et nos esprits sont revitalisés par le renouveau du printemps. En arborant le quartier Saint-Honoré situé dans les 1ers et 8e arrondissement de Paris – qui accueillent certaines des boutiques les plus exclusives au monde – nous avons pu apercevoir la magie que leurs vitrines de saison offraient.

Credit Photo: All photos American Supply

Recreation Carpet

À première vue, il semble que le mot récréation signifie simplement l’action de refaire quelque chose, et dans un sens, il le fait ; nous recréons notre monde. En expérimentant la récréation, nous nous recréons nous-mêmes.



nom, féminin : récréation (pluriel: récréations f)

verbe transitif : recréer (de créer)

– une activité faite pour le plaisir quand on ne travaille pas.

– l’action ou le processus de recréer quelque chose.

L’étymologie du mot récréation, comme le mot original de Latin recreatio l’implique, est de rafraîchir et de renouveler.

Pour notre événement Recreation Carpet, nous célébrerons à la fois le plaisir et l’essentiel implicite dans le mot, en mettant l’accent sur la joie dans la création, et l’acte de recréer.

En travaillant avec des matériaux inédits, des équipements de fabrication de dernière génération et des partenaires de presse distingués, nous célébrerons ensemble le potentiel infini de retravailler et de recréer pour un avenir durable.

Notre événement estival est toujours un événement marquant de l’année, car nous présentons pour la première fois des solutions de luxe innovantes et avant-gardistes à notre industrie. Notez-le 27 juin dans votre agenda, pour profiter d’un vrai moment de récréation avec nous.

3A Composites & Formes de Luxe fait partie de nos partenaires pour cet événement.


Dans notre gamme de matériaux disponibles, nous disposons de nombreuses couleurs et d’itérations de rubans en PVC et PE en bobines d’épaisseurs et de poids différents. Ils sont usuellement utilisés pour le tissage, la décoration, la broderie et diverses autres applications textiles. Car nous voulions les détourner de leurs utilisations et surprendre, nous avons composé des plaques, créées grâce à une presse à chaud et de morceaux de plusieurs types de rubans découpés. Ils fondent sous l’action de la chaleur, coagulent et se transforment en un nouveau matériau flexible que nous appelons Plas-Terrazzo !

Ces fils, comme des lacets de réglisse, brillants, pailletés ou aux tons translucides subtiles, une fois coupés et collés sont semblables à d’garnitures de gâteaux de science-fiction ou à des toppings pour la génération-insta : on en croquerait bien un bout !

Voici quelques exemples de nos expérimentations préférées créées par notre équipe créative interne.

Story of the Month
Visions of Spring

It’s finally time to start packing away our knitwear, coats and heavy outerwear in storage, as we embrace the longer brighter days and begin to repopulate the terraces of the cafés. The temperature is rising, and so are our spirits, revitalized by the new possibilities of spring. We decided to visit Rue Saint Honoré – one of the best shopping districts in Paris and home to some of the world’s most exclusive boutiques – to see what magic their spring windows had to offer.

Credit Photo: All photos American Supply

Recreation Carpet

At first glance, it seems like the word recreation simply means to remake something, and in one sense it does; we are recreating our world. In experiencing recreation, we are also re-creating ourselves.



noun: recreation; plural noun: recreations; noun: re-creation; plural noun: re-creation activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.

activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.

the action or process of creating something again.

The root of the word recreation, as the original Latin word recreare implies, is to refresh and renew.

For our Recreation Carpet event, we will celebrate both the fun and the essentiality in the word, focussing on the joy in creation, and in recreating collectively.

Working with exclusive material resources, cutting-edge manufacturing equipment, and distinguished press partners, we will celebrate the infinite potential of re-working and re-creating materials for a sustainable future, together.
Our summer event is always a highlight on the calendar, as we showcase innovative and forward-thinking luxury solutions to our industry for the first time. Save June 27th in your diary, to experience some real recreation time with us.

Our partners for this event include 3A Composites & Formes de Luxe


In our material library, we hold many different colors and iterations of ribboned PVC / PE Stripping in bobbins of varying thicknesses and weights. They are commonly used for weaving, trimming, embroidery and various other textile applications, but we wanted to test them under heat, sliced and diced, composed and layered to form plaques, turning them into a new sheet material, that we are calling Plas-Terrazzo!

Resembling liquorice laces, these futuristic threads in high brights, glitter and subtle translucent tones once cut and paste look like sci-fi cake toppings or sprinkles for the insta-generation – materials good enough to eat!

Here are some of our favorite experiments created by our in-house creative team.

Story of the Month
Tomorrow’s Material World

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

Antoine Lavoisier

Here at American Supply, we provide innovative solutions and are always searching for cutting edge developments, whether they be material or ephemeral. Our clients are always abreast of the zeitgeist and important societal shifts, and we cater to their needs. For our future, it is important that we consider our present, understanding our past and learning from it. It is imperative that we work towards doing what we can to help the climate and the planet that we live on.

With our productions, we are dedicated to using the minimum matter necessarily, but minimal excess waste is unavoidable. Since 2003 we have been donating larger scale excess of primary materials to schools and universities and storing material that is partly transformed in our own facilities. We do not consider material that has been transformed to have reached the end of its transformative life but believe that it is in transition and has further potential. As the old saying goes, One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure.

Our vision is a progressive one, and we believe it is crucial to be conscious of the world we live in and our impact upon it. We are proud to present our 2019 Sustainability Report, and lay out our plans for the future and our place in it.

“American Supply’s industry position at the heart of Material Supply & Material Design makes us a leader into the research, promotion, and production of sustainable and eco-responsible materials. In our profession, we face creative and technical challenges every day – the question of sustainability, on top of this, is both urgent and necessary for us to continue to take pride in our work! Our industry favors enormous over-consumption of materials with relatively short lifespans. We need to help evolve people’s habits and pre-conceptions towards material using our expertise: the material itself, eco-responsibly!”

Delphine Duval Delort, Sales Director


Material Collection

In our Material Library, we hold over 10,000 references, that we are happy to explore with you in the showroom. To facilitate your material research, we have condensed this down for you into 12 Material Collection binders, containing 150 samples, classified in our 6 material families that are informed by their manufacturing processes:
Material extrusions formed by passing the matter through calendaring rolls.
Sheets made using a heat press, with the possibility to combine several films together.
Transfer application to create specific effects on a support. Bonding process combining layers, using heat or adhesive fusion.
Relief created by thermoforming or embossing. Three-dimensional optic effects using holographic or lenticular processes.
Fluid materials or particles applied to a support using coating or projection to embellish.
Knitted fabric, using warp and weft weaving techniques or coagulated fibers. Our Material Collection binders will soon be available for purchased for your own library and used to facilitate your personal research.
For all inquiries please contact us here.