Use of Material

The Duo dubbed design duo Legrand Jäger came from the United States. The material they had was “Nettuno” in the color skin.

From Legrand Jäger:

Le Confident 
Facial Recognition Emotion (FER) software interface The Confident or head-to-head is an archetypal design object, originally from XIX century, that uniquely embodies communication. Often thought of as a seat for gossip, its sitters are uniquely located for intimate conversation. In Legrand Jäger’s recalibrated version of the seat, our culture of quantification and gamification informs the object’s design both stylistically and functionally. Based on a personal understanding of gaming seat consoles, a personal face recognition (FER) software interface between the conversation partners, emotional feedback, live monitoring, during their exchange. Only seven human emotions are universally identified by such devices, enough for efficient profiling according to specialists.  

A special thanks to IKSV and Hayung-Ok Park for production and Adjmal Sarwary from Mind Trace for customizing his emotion tracking software. – Website:

Credit Photo: Legrand Jäger (


Story of the Month
American Supply partners with Maison & Objet Designer of the Year

Ramy Fischler’s, RF Studio came to American Supply researching a specific material for The Agora showcase at Maison & Objet. The team chose our material “Billy” in the Mysterious Forest colorway out of our vast index of more than 10,000 material references.

The material is a fire resistant complex of PET over MDF wood. In this particular circumstance, it was laminated on boards of 3m by 0.6m, enabling the perfect flatness for the support, essential to preserve the iridescent and metallic qualities unique to the product. Billy was originally intended for the fashion industry and exists in a wide range of colors.

American Supply is renowned for its ability to re-contextualize materials and their intended applications taking them out of their original industrial function, to a broader creative utilization, discovering and unlocking their inherent potential.

Since 1948, American Supply has conceived, developed and produced a range of more than 10,000 materials that are renowned for their originality and personality. Our mission is to put these materials into the hands of luxury brands, in the heart of their creations, their products, their points of sale and their identities.

American Supply creates and implements the materials sought by brands to unlock their creativity and reinforce their Lovebrand status. Attraction, obsession, and brand dedication are born through our expertly realized productions and sensorial material solutions. They feed the customers desire, sustaining the experience in a way that seamlessly re-invents itself.

American Supply works side by side with its clients to provide material solutions that embody their creative briefs and vision, respecting and preserving their brand’s unique DNA.


Un Sentiment d’Été

Voir la vie en rose, bleu, vert, coloris fruités et touches fluo !
Ajoutez des reflets prismatiques, moirés ou diffractants, et
vous serez, comme nos matériaux, aux couleurs de l'été : toujours Magiques et Inattendus !

Credit Photo: The Rudi Gernreich book, Taschen GmbH, 1999

Atelier Lebuisson

Broderie florale réalisée par les Atelier Le Buisson, fleurs découpées en « TOUCH » Blanc posées sur Tulle.

La parfaite matité de « TOUCH » en contraste sur ce fond arachnéen apporte fraicheur et douceur.

Hypnotic Carpet Summer Party

La soirée a été un succès avec la chanteuse Adah, Dj Jean Croc, Champagne, une variété de hors-d’œuvre et de délicieuses friandises et tous nos merveilleux invités.

L’inspiration derrière le thème Hypnotic Carpet provient d’une forme de camouflage utilisée pendant les deux guerres mondiales appelé Dazzle. L’intention du camouflage n’était pas de dissimuler, mais plutôt de rendre difficile pour l’adversaire de mesurer la distance à la cible. American Supply a recréé l’imprimé Dazzle sur les tapis afin de détourner la perception des invités du sol. Des stelles en PMMA ainsi que des diamants recouverts du matériau “Magic Mirror” d’American Supply ont été créés pour accentuer davantage l’effet du tapis et le rendre encore plus Hypnotique.

Vivement l’année prochaine 😉


Hypnotic Carpet – l’Exposition Design et Matériaux de Création

Prepare to be Mesmerized…
Attention, le pass sera demandé à l’entrée !!

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”
Aldous Huxley

Accordez-vous d’oublier vos certitudes et de redécouvrir le monde comme lorsque vous étiez enfant, de laisser venir à vous toutes ces questions qui vous ont tant agité un jour, il n’y a pas si longtemps…

Ce voyage aux frontières du réel et du chimérique vous tend la main, il vous invite à refaire vos premiers pas sur le tapis magique de la perception.

Diamants magiques et prismes de couleurs incertaines, vitrines en transe, cabinet des images perdues…

Au sortir de cette fête magique, de nouvelles perceptions ajouteront de la magie à votre expérience, riches d’un vocabulaire de matériaux qui parlent aux sens et à l’imaginaire.

Take a ticket to ride !